Community survey to discover resident opinions about NRM

This month, NSPNR is starting to set a course of progression for natural resource management in our area. Residents of the North Stirlings - Pallinup sub-region can have their say and have the chance to win a prize by completing a survey to let NSPNR know their thoughts about natural resource management in the area.

NSPNR chair Kevin Wise said that NSPNR will use the results of the NSPNR: Your Region, Your Input community survey for strategic planning and project development. "We want to understand how the region's residents feel about natural resource management, how successfully NSPNR is delivering, and what we could do better in the future."

The Pub Borden, Wescape Photography and Graze Great Southern are local businesses that have generously donated prizes to support the community survey. Each completed and eligible survey will go into the draw.

The NSPNR: Your Region, Your Input community survey is open to residents in the Shire of Gnowangerup and near the localities of Broomehill East and Gnowellen from 1 July to 31 July 2020. Residents can complete it in online:

Or pick up a hardcopy survey from the Shire of Gnowangerup office or one of many shops in the area.

The survey is funded by the regional NRM organisation South Coast NRM and managed by Clear South.

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