Sharing local knowledge to enrich the Curriculum (CSGS22012)

The North Stirlings Pallinup sub-region is home to valuable natural resources and a strong Goreng culture, however, this vital environmental and cultural information is not readily available to educators. This project posed an exciting opportunity to capture this information through engagement with local environmental professionals and the Goreng peoples, resulting in 3 curriculum-linked education packages that will be available for use in local Primary and Secondary Schools. This project has the potential to empower the next generation and inspire them to maintain and protect our local culture and environment.

January 2023 - September 2024

This project is supported by funding from the Western Australian Government’s State NRM Program.

Regional Land Partnerships 2019-2023 (RLPNSP)

RLPNSPP6: Climate Action - supporting the region to adapt, innovate and address market demands for sustainable food production

RLPNSPP2: Exploring new opportunities for improving the status of 20/20 priority listed threatened species in the South Coast Region Management Unit.

July 2019 - June 2023

This project was supported by South Coast Natural Resource Management Inc., through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program.

Expanded predator control program in the Fitz-Stirling Corridor (CSGS22057)

Expanded predator control program in the Fitz-Stirling Corridor (CSGS22057)

This whole-of-community, landscape-scale project will protect and enhance populations of Chuditch, Malleefowl and Carnaby's Black Cockatoo in the Fitz-Stirling corridor by reducing the threat of predation by foxes and cats, and reducing competition and habitat destruction by rabbits. The 80-km Fitz-Stirling macro corridor links the Stirling Range and Fitzgerald River National Parks and is of high priority for conservation action. A collaborative baiting and shooting program will reduce numbers of foxes, cats and rabbits to reduce the threat to native fauna moving through fragmented landscapes connected by the Fitz-Stirling corridor, thus supporting biodiversity in this recognised hotspot in Australia's southwest.

January 2023 - June 2024

This project was supported by funding from the Western Australian Government’s State NRM Program.

Fire Brigade and Landcare Representation on The Horsepower Highway

Fire Brigade and Landcare Representation on The Horsepower Highway

Atte and Palli, NSPNR’s installation in the Horsepower Highway.

NSPNR partnered with the Bush Fire Brigade to create two installations for the Horsepower Highway to represent our protection and preservation of local natural resources and the environment of the biodiverse Stirling Range National Park and surrounds.

The Horsepower Highway is a series of installations that showcase rural life in our district. The trail features a series of vintage tractors, each with a name and a theme for visitors to follow as they head into the Stirling Range National Park. The Horsepower Highway is fast becoming an attraction in our region.

We wanted to showcase our group's vital contribution to life here and educate the community and visitors about the importance of volunteering and Natural Resource Management (NRM) in our region.

April 2022 - May 2023

This project was funded through FRRR 'Strengthening Communities' grant.

Strategic Fox Baiting Across 12 Shires (4-BA2C82N)

Strategic Fox Baiting Across 12 Shires (4-BA2C82N)

North Stirlings Pallinup Natural Resources was one of twelve shires that participated in a project to strategically bait for fox control.

Pest animals and weeds require ongoing management by farmers, but farmers’ capacity to do this during drought is often reduced at the very time when pests and weeds can cause problems for already stressed pasture and livestock. The impact can undermine drought management and recovery efforts. This program involved twelve shires in the Great Southern region, was coordinated by the Shire of Kent and targeted the red fox.

At the first bait run (February 2020) NSPNR had five participants. There were an additional two participants for the second bait run (August 2020). Participants were happy with the results they achieved with the baits.

July 2019 - June 2021

This project was funded by the Australian Government under the Communities Combating Pests and Weed Impacts During Drought Program.

Waterways Restoration - Connecting the Pallinup River, its People and Culture (CSGL19013)

The urgency for further restoration and protection of the Pallinup River has been highlighted by the 2016/17 floods and wind events in June 2018. The project will deliver strategic restoration of fragmented sections of the Pallinup River through protective fencing (conserving 389 hectares of remnant vegetation and exposed creeklines) and establishing 24 hectares of native vegetation. The project will also design and implement a framework to monitor water quality and biodiversity value; it will provide educational workshops and promote the river’s cultural significance within our community.

January 2020-December 2022

This project is funded by State NRM through the 2019 Community Stewardship Grants. It is supported by Carbon Neutral Charitable Fund, Nail’d at Tiffany's, Janicke Environmental Investigations, Threshold Environmental and FRRR Sally Foundation Trailblazer Development Fund program. Thanks also to the partner farmers.

Addressing climate change and soil constraints with diverse pasture systems (A16099)

Addressing climate change and soil constraints with diverse pasture systems (A16099)

Addressing Climate Change & Soil Constraints with Diverse Pasture Systems (A16099) addressed soil salinity and low soil organic matter.

A sustainable land use option to deal with these multiple challenges is a diverse forage system that includes drought-hardy perennial, native shrubs in combination with mixed-species pastures.

April 2017 to April 2018

This project was funded by State NRM.

Increasing Farmer NRM Capacity by Providing Key Weed Information & Management (CCGS15709)

Increasing Farmer NRM Capacity by Providing Key Weed Information & Management (CCGS15709)

Hoary cress is a very competitive weed that can significantly reduce crop yields and is difficult to eradicate.

North Stirlings Pallinup Natural Resources Inc partnered with DAFWA to deliver best practice management information through a workshop to increase awareness and identification information about hoary cress and other weeds.


This project was funded by State NRM.

North Stirlings Pallinup Natural resources -managing land and biodiversity assets (RGD14-C208)

The two parts of this project improved habitat for EPBC listed species, specifically Australian malleefowl and Carnabys cockatoo, and facilitated demonstration field sites in key soil health areas of soil acidity and soil erosion.

June 2013-June 2015

This project was supported by South Coast Natural Resource Management Inc., through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program.