Learn about phytophthora dieback

Phytophthora dieback is a significant threat to our unique biodiversity and beautiful natural resources in southwest WA.

Our regional group, South Coast NRM, says:

Phytophthora dieback is a soil-borne pathogen and a major threat to biodiversity in the South Coast region of WA, with around 40% of native species suscepible to the pathogen. Dieback causes sudden deaths in vulnerable species and results in the devastation of large areas of natural habitat.

There is no cure for dieback. We all need to make sure that dieback is contained in areas that are already infested and doesn’t spread to un-infested bushland. 

We can help stop the spread by making sure our boots and gear are clean when we are going into our beautiful bushland areas, stick to paths and plan your adventure when the soil is dry.

Check out South Coast NRM’s video to learn more about Phytophthora dieback. The video was funded by South Coast NRM and the Western Australian Government’s State NRM program.

Every step counts. Keep yours clean.


Newsletter - June 2023

Newsletter - June 2023

This month in the newsletter we have a lot happening at NSPNR. Read the newsletter to get all the details!

Get to know one of our committee members, Stephen Simpson..

Farmers and staff have the opportunity to gain their 1080 accreditation in either Borden or Jerramungup in July.. 1080 accreditation is necessary for all users to have in order to apply for a permit to use 1080 to control foxes and/or rabbits on a farm. There is also limited amounts of free fox baits available. There is an opportunity for farmers to get involved in free soil testing to support better fertiliser decisions.

A new Aboriginal Cultural Heritage law is coming in on 1 July 2023, so use the link to read the Statutory Guidelines.

Our project ‘Sharing local knowledge to enrich the Curriculum’ is steaming ahead and we can’t wait until 2024 when the packages will be ready for classrooms.

We invite readers to take part in a climate survey to go into a draw for an Active Farmers voucher.

The Agriculture in Transition event was really well-received, and we were very glad to acknowledge our local volunteers during National Volunteer Week 2023.

Collecting Native Seed

Individual landholders and community groups can collect their own seed for planting in revegetation projects. For saltland revegetation we now have a native seed resource found in the thousands of hectares already planted, and collecting seed of these species is cheap and simple.

Newsletter - February 2023

Newsletter - February 2023

Huge congratulations to Kingsley Vaux for being awarded Community Citizen of the year for the Gnowangerup Shire. Your commitment to our group over the last 43 years is truly appreciated, not to mention your tireless efforts for other groups in the community including the Yongernow Malleefowl Centre.